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champs de ruche parrainage abeilles

Sponsor ahive ForMe Andmy entourage 

"An initiative


Like a certain number of committed beekeepers, our company wishesmake your contribution to saving bees and biodiversity. By offering youthree hive sponsorship offers, we hope to be able to reach those who, sharing our values..."

initiative parrainage particulier

Discover the sponsorship formulas

Benefits of sponsorship:

Sustainable beekeeping

Prioritize reasoned and reasonable beekeeping

Global warming

Fight against global warming

French Economy

Help the French economy 

Promote fauna and flora

Valuing the fauna and flora

Pass on beekeeping know-how

Transmit beekeeping know-how

Fair remuneration

Contribute to fairer remuneration for beekeepers

Bee drawing

At Bee's dream, we have overcome these evils by offering honeys to be pressed at home , alone or with friends, wishing you to rediscover the authenticity of an unfalsifiable and pure honey . Last November, our National Assembly wished that the year 2022 be the year of the Bee by a unanimous vote. Bee's dream had to make its contribution.

By sponsoring these hives , many programs will be able to see the light of day. In France of course, but also abroad, such as in Morocco where we have undertaken a plan to safeguard an endangered local endemic variety .

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